Please click the gallery option to access a pdf of the exhibition you require below.

9 January to 12 March               

Main Gallery - Dragos Lumpan

Oriel Fach 1 - Patrick Boothman

The Stairs - Martin White

19 March to 30 April

Second year students from Coleg Sir Gar

14 May to 18 June

Main Gallery - Beth Marsden

Oriel Fach 1 - Mark Kerr

The Stairs -

25 June to 31 July

Main Gallery - Summer Open 2011

Oriel Fach 1 -

The Stairs - Patrick Higgins

5 August to 10 September

Main Gallery - Denys Short

Oriel Fach 1 -

The Stairs - Patrick Higgins

16 September to 15 October

Main Gallery - Jessie Brannan

Oriel Fach 1 - Peter Rossiter

The Stairs -

21 October to 3 December

Main Gallery - Christine Kinsey

Oriel Fach 1 -

The Stairs - Gill Finucane

9 December to 13 January

Main Gallery - Winter Open 2011

Oriel Fach 1 -

The Stairs -