polly verity

folded light


The Paperfold Technique

Purely by folding, Polly creates three-dimensional geometric repeat patterns in paper. Light hits the surface of these low-relief white paper sculptures and strikingly throws up their form. Most of the designs are based on straight-line folds although many now incorporate or are completely made from folded curves and the outcomes are surprising. Each sculpture has a unique feel and the works vary, inspired by architectural form, op-art or nature.

During the design process, a simple paper fold structure is eased into shape by hand into a small piece of paper. This paper is opened out and the crease-lines carefully, mathematically transcribed into a computer line drawing. Once this drawing is refined and tested and with the repeat tessellation computed, the line data is sent to a cutting machine that very slightly grazes the paper along the lines in order to score it. The paper is then folded by hand along these scores. As in the ancient tradition of origami, the sculptures are each created by folding a single sheet of paper and there are no cuts.


Y Dechneg Papur Yn union trwy blygu, mae Polly yn creu patrymau ailadroddus geometrig tri dimensiwn mewn papur. Mae golau yn cyrraedd wyneb y cerfluniau papur gwyn rhyddhad isel hyn ac yn taflu eu ffurf yn drawiadol. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o'r dyluniadau yn seiliedig ar blychau llinell syth er bod llawer bellach yn ymgorffori neu'n cael eu gwneud yn llwyr o gromlinau plygu ac mae'r canlyniadau'n syndod. Mae gan bob cerflun deimlad unigryw ac mae'r gwaith yn amrywio, wedi'i ysbrydoli gan ffurf pensaernïol, optegol neu natur.

Yn ystod y broses ddylunio, mae strwythur plygu papur syml yn cael ei ledaenu'n siâp â llaw mewn darn bach o bapur. Agorir y papur hwn a'r llinellau cywiro'n ofalus, wedi'u trawsgrifio'n fathemategol i lunio llinell gyfrifiadurol. Unwaith y caiff y darlun hwn ei fireinio a'i phrofi a chyda'r seseliad ailadroddus wedi'i gyfrifo, caiff y data llinell ei anfon at beiriant torri sy'n ychydig iawn yn pori'r papur ar hyd y llinellau er mwyn ei sgorio. Yna caiff y papur ei blygu â llaw ar hyd y sgorau hyn. Fel yn y traddodiad hynafol o origami, mae'r cerfluniau'n cael eu creu gan blygu dalen sengl o bapur ac nid oes toriadau.

Workshop: The Paperfold Technique with Polly Verity


Come join Polly here at Oriel Q for a short demonstration and workshop on her intricate and visually stunning Paperfold Technique.
Choose between the morning session (11am-1pm) or the afternoon session (2pm-4pm) at £10 per head. Please contact us at Oriel Q on 01834 869454 or info@orielqnarberth.com to book prior as places will be snapped up fast.


Dewch i ymuno â Polly yma yn Oriel Q am arddangosiad byr a gweithdy ar ei Thechneg Papur Craff gyffrous a gweledol.

Dewiswch rhwng sesiwn y bore (11 am-1pm) neu sesiwn y prynhawn (2 pm-4pm) am £ 10 y pen. Cysylltwch â ni yn Oriel Q ar 01834 869454 neu info@orielqnarberth.com i archebu ymlaen llaw gan y bydd llefydd yn cael eu rhwystro'n gyflym.

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